BLOOTOKS c'est :

Développement d'applications sur AutoCad et Inventor

Modélisation 3D de vos plans 2D  (DWG, DXF, Tiff...)
Fourniture de fichiers au format Inventor, AutoCad, STEP, IGES...

Formations sur AutoCad, Inventor et Vault

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Through the Interface

Brittany and Cornwall (jeu., 25 juil. 2024)
We're just back from a fantastic 2+ week roadtrip to France and the UK. I'll talk about the initial part of the trip today and the rest of it in the next post. Our trip towards the UK started on Friday July 5th with a trip to the vet. Dogs entering the UK have to have documented proof of having a de-worming pill administered by a vet less that 120 hours (5 full days) before departure. As our ferry from Roscoff to Plymouth was scheduled for Wednesday July 10th at 9am, we were within the window by taking Daisy...
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Taking stock before the summer (Fri, 05 Jul 2024)
It’s been an interesting year, so far, at many levels, and I have no major expectation that it’s going to become less so in its remaining months. For starters there’s the weather. As someone who is walking a dog for an hour a day, I feel intimately in tune with the weather, these days. And it has sucked. Badly. Even nature seems to be rebelling at the amount of rain, which is in itself remarkable. We’re about to head off to visit friends in Brittany and family in the UK, which means it may well get worse before it...
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Services aux bureau d'études,Rouen normandie Bretagne, AutoDesk,AutoCad,formation,développement,programmation AutoCad sur rouen et la normandie
Prestations de services pour les bureaux d'études